
Homesteading Classes

You are sure to learn something new at each of our homesteading classes, which are held on the first Saturday of the month. Every class we will discuss food preservation (fermenting, canning, dehydrating, et cetera) as a local expert discusses a topic corresponding to the class.

This class will continue throughout this fall and spill over into next year’s exhibit, “A Taste of Community”, which is an 18-month exhibit OIRM is creating in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution. Chosen as one of only six small museums in the United States to showcase this exhibit, OIRM is thrilled to add Independence County’s local cuisine and the flavors of community alongside the Smithsonian’s stunning photography and stories. Patrons will be able to experience this exhibit from January 2024 through July 2025 and experience the homesteading classes every month through the end of the exhibit. Dates for this fall’s homesteading classes are September 9, October 7, and November 4 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cost is $10 per person; each class will include a take-home item, such as a canned good or recipe for one of the items we showcase. All classes will have completed recipes of the foods demonstrated for you to sample.

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