Groundbreaking held for Independence County Senior Citizens Program’s Senior Center.

The Independence County Senior Citizens Program provides services to seniors sixty and older, including meal service and delivery, transportation, and social and wellness events. The new senior center, which will be located at 950 Elm Street, will be a modern, expanded facility that will increase the Senior Citizens Program's ability to provide wellness activities and simultaneous programming to seniors in Independence County.
"This is going to be an exciting addition to our county," said Independence County Judge Kevin Jeffery. "I've said this earlier, but the folks that are going to benefit from this, they've had their careers and paid their taxes. They need a healthy place to have activities, a meal, and fellowship. It's important to remember that demographic, and this will be a big way to accomplish that."
Among those Judge Jeffery thanked for their support and contributions to the new senior center were Independence County Senior Citizens Program Director Selina Wallis, White River Area Agency on Aging Director Ted Halls, White River Planning and Development, and AEDC, as well as local dignitaries who came out to support the groundbreaking including Batesville and Southside mayors, and State Representative Shad Pearce.
The funding and development of the new senior center has been a group effort. Independence County Quorum Court approved using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to go towards constructing the new facility. The Arkansas Economic Development Commission also contributed to the project. Batesville School District donated the land for the new facility, and the Batesville Fire Department helped clear the site of existing structures with a controlled burn, saving the project tens of thousands of dollars in demolition costs.
"These things only occur with the cooperation of others. All these things are a matter of teamwork," said former Independence County Judge Robert Griffin.
Ambassadors in attendance included: Lindy Hopper (First Community Bank), Courteney Muse (Southern Bank), Kirsten Harvey (Arkansas Sherriff's Youth Ranch), Peter Rouiler (First Community Bank), Justin Keister (Syngery, HR LLC), Justin Russell (Bank of Cave City), Amy Finster (White River Health), Lori Tacker (Batesville Eye Care Center), Dana Millikin (White River Now), Tammy Foster (First Community Bank), Eva Henriksen (Merchants & Planters Bank), Aaron Moody (Independence County Sheriff's Department), and Amy Crouch-Howard (Weichert, Realtors - The Property Shoppe).